THEOCACNA Orthodoxwiki site

When we attempt to correct various wiki sites and add out Church someone qwho remains unknown to us deletes our listing due to their fear of us. So we have put this site together.


This website contains Historic Church information


The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America (Chartered - 1927, Incorporated 1928).

Written by Archbishop Victor
Presiding Archbishop of
the canonically established
This site is our wikipedia to state our side of the issue regarding claims by those ethnic jurisdictions associated with Orthodoxwiki that publishes untrue statements about this Church and clergy. Wiki is supposed to be a true and unbiased encyclopedia but orthodoxwiki has a bias against this Church as proven in their writing whih often conflict about this Church.
What is published here is true and documented information.

If anyone feels they can disprove our claims they may contact us with their evidence that we are in error.

We welcome inquiries from clergy assigned to one of the old world orthodox churches presently in schism with the American Church. If you seek valid sacramental authority we look forward to hearing from you.

If you are Orthodox, follow the teachings, canons and traditions of Orthodoxy and are seeking a new bishop and a canonically established Church home we look forward to hearing from you. Our clergy must sign a clergy declaration.

We also welcome inquiries from the Episcopal Clergy who are unhappy with the direction their Church has taken.

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This site was established to show that the Orthodox jurisdictions that make up SCOBA disobey their own canons but attack others for the same or similar acts that were never formally called canonical violations.


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Wicked Wiki

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Those who violate the Canons

The following ethnic, or old world, orthodox violate their own canons and in some instances the canons state the punishment for that act.

Examples from the Rudder
also called
the Sacred and Divine Canons

Canon 10 of the 85 canons;
If anyone prays in company with one who has been excommunicated, he shall be excommunicated himself.

Canon 11 of the 85 canons;
If anyone prays in company with one who has been deposed, he shall be deposed himself.

Canon 55 of the 85 canons;
If any clergyman should insult the bishop, let him be deposed from office.

Canon 6 of the 102 canons; subdeacon, deacon or presbyter at all, after the ordination bestowed upon him, has permission to contract a matrimonial relationship for himself: if he should dare to do this, let him be deposed from office.

1and that any bishop is to be deprived of his bishopric and episcopate if he gives permission to a subdeacon or deacon (Includes a priest) to marry after ordination. (Rudder, Page 299)

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The above examples support some of our claims such as;

An Antiochian priest who condemns Abp. Ofiesh for his marriage over 40 years after his repose in 1966. No synod with authority to call a tribunal took canonical action against Abp. Ofiesh probably because he stated publicly that "God told me to marry". Here a priest takes it upon himself to state and claim that the Archbishop retired then they claim he deposed himself and then they admit the Archbishop's widow stated Abp. Ofiesh intended to act as a married Archbishop. Then they claim he defacto deposed himself by his marriage. There is a problem with these claims since if no tribunal was held Archbishop Ofiesh could not be removed from his office according to the canons.

We view this attack as an insult to the bishop and state this priest has violated canon 55 and insulted the bishop since his claims are published and not a formal complaint and made years after the Archbishop reposed. We also consider such claims and writings not in the venue orthodoxwiki was intended since they refuse to allow us to publish our "side of the issue" on orthodoxwiki and took our page down within 24 hours of our posting the truth on that site. Their unchristian actions speak for themself
It should also be noted that orthodoxwiki acknowledged and published that this church never adopted the canon on married bishops based on statements made by Bishops Joseph and Ignatius they pubished. That is supported by the book "The Orthodox Church: 455 Questions and Answers" written by a Greek priest which states that not all churches adopted the canon on Married bishops. This article also states this is a canon that can be changed at anytime to again allow bishops to marry.

To add insult to injury the Antiochian clergy continue to attack Abp. Ofiesh of blessed memory all these years after his death for basically the same act that Metropolitan Philip and Patriarch Ignatius IV allowed, contrary to the Sacred and Divine Canons, for allowing one of their priests to remarry and remain an active priest - A violation of canon 6 of the 102 canons would appear to direct Patriarch Ignatius IV and Metropolitan Philip to be deposed but it seems they again ignore this canon among others.
Therefore, It would appear this canon can be waived by bishops. If that is true the attack on Abp, Ofiesh for his marriage clear shows this church did not adopt the canon on married bishops so Abp. Ofiesh did NOT violate that canon, and since c. 6 of the 102c is and can be waived or ignored he did not violate that canon. Also, Abp. Ofiesh stated "God told me to marry" and since no tribunal had been called regarding his marriage he was not deposed or removed from office in any canonical manner.

If in fact they deposed themself according to the canons (c. 11 of the 85 c.) all who pray with them are also deposed according to the canons. Since this occured some years ago many from the various orthodox jurisdictions have also deposed themselves since this was not hidden from the public in any way. The married priest wrote a book about his remarriage and Light and Life publishes the fact the Pariarch allowed his bishop, Metropolitan Philip, to allow the marriage. See the wicked wiki link above. This link will clear Abp. Ofiesh of the trumped up charges against him.

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